Delina Medhin
Makeup Artist, NYC
Delina moved from North Carolina to NYC to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time freelance makeup artist. When she reached out to me, she was working in the sales to finance her dream of living and working in the big apple.
I believed it was possible for Delina to quit her job within 6 months and venture out on her own. I reviewed everything (website, social media, resume, connections, etc)
she had in her toolbox, assessed what was needed, and taught her how to connect authentically with photographers who could deliver the kinds of images that would get her booked on the type of assignments she dream of.
Today, Delina and I connect regularly to discuss her goals, address new needs, tackle challenges and plan strategy. She has several celebrity clients, works the NY Fashion Week shows regularly, and can be seen in front of the camera leading beauty segments for

Victoria Callaway,
Makeup Artist
VCI Artists, Houston, TX
Victoria and I met at the Makeup Show in Dallas Texas where I was a keynote speaker at the show. Unbeknownst to me,
Victoria was an admirer of the Career Guide which she purchased years before and used to launch her makeup business.
Victoria’s dream was to open the first makeup, hair and styling agency in Houston, Texas.
After assuring her that I could help her bring her dream to fruition, she hired me as her consultant, and we began working together, meeting every other week for a year.
We designed her business from the ground up. The assignment included creating a policy and procedure manual, contracts, signing new artists, building a new website, establishing a blog and social media presence, hiring outsourced administrators, rebuilding artist portfolios and much more.
VCI Artists launched March 2016 to much fanfare and press at Hotel Derek in Houston, Texas.

Mandrill Hardge
Hair Stylist
Atlanta & New York
As a union member, Mandrill had been working for 10 years as a film and TV hair stylist when he found my workshop. What he did not have, was the confidence to pursue next level projects. Thinking that he was at the beck and call of the union, he waited to be chosen by production. What he gained from working with me was the self-confidence to position and present himself as the ideal candidate for opportunities that interested him creatively instead of waiting to be selected.
Mandrill learned that he could write his own deal memo and decide on what he wanted to happen in his career. He went from five-figures to a high six-figure freelance income in just six months.
“I now have the tools to be a stand-out talent with producers and directors where they want to work with me versus just being another crew member on the call sheet. There are no words to describe the way Crystal launched my career as a freelancer.”

Kristine Murillo
Hair Stylist Salon Owner, NYC
Kristine Murillo was working at a hair salon on Long Island wondering how she could pursue her dream of working in TV and on magazines. She was stuck not knowing anything about how to break into the business and wondering what her first step should be.
Completing my course gave her the tools and information she needed to building her online portfolio and apply for jobs.
“Along with learning that I could charge a rate for a day and make what I deserved, Crystal taught me everything I needed to know to start my portfolio, who to send it to, what to say, who to call, what to do and what to have in my kit.”
A successful freelance artist, she also owns the Fedora Lounge Boutique Hair Salon, and works with commercial clients such as Target, Reebok, Pepsi, Hasbro, Wet brush and Garnier Fructis. Film and TV experience includes CNBC, the NFL Network, NBC & Bravo.

Jennifer MacDougall
Hair Stylist
On Camera Host, NYC
Jennifer moved from Canada to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a celebrity hair stylist. When we met, she was already an award-winning stylist and educator for L’Oreal Professional having twice received hair colourist of the year at NAHA and Canadian Master Hair Dresser.
I assessed her strengths and helped her apply them to building relationships that would lead to a marketable portfolio, job offers and agency representation. My course gave her the tools and information she needed to take a leap of faith and relocate to New York. As her coach, I advise her in her freelance career and entrepreneurial journey.
Jennifer has worked her magic on celebrities, and top fashion and beauty publications while also creating opportunities for herself in the TV and online hosting space. Her credits include Naomi Campbell, Alexander Wang, Joan Rivers, Jerry Seinfield, Vogue, Cosmo, Vanity Fair, Project Runway, Good Morning America and Extra TV.
Visit Jennifer's Site
Uzmee Krakovszki
Makeup Artist, LA
Uzmee responded to my request for makeup artist volunteers to help out with a charity fashion show. One of my key artists fell in love with her skills, demeanor and professionalism and we invited her onto our assistant list. There was just one problem, she barely spoke English. While she spoke 2 other languages fluently, we struggled to communicate even as I was booking her on a $1200 gig.
I learned that Uzmee was going by the name of Bianca when she couldn’t cash the first check I wrote her. She chose it because Americans couldn’t pronounce her name. This was a defining moment in gaining her trust. "There are a million Bianca’s," I told her, "but only one Uzmee," and that is the artist I wanted to represent. She winced at the thought of people mis-pronouncing her name, but I assured her that I would train clients to pronounce her name.
Six months later everyone could pronounce her name.
Today Uzmee is the key artist for Too-Faced Cosmetics, the personal for The Real’s Jeannie Mai and the proud owner of UzBrows Microblading Studio in Beverly Hills, CA.
Type Uzmee into Google––there is only one!

Lisa Smedley
Lisa Smedley had a very successful career as a fashion stylist in Los Angeles for over 10 years. She worked almost exclusively with recording artists and celebrities, but when she got married and decided to start a family, all of her work dried up. Not only did she take a 10 year break to raise her children, she and her husband move to Atlanta, Georgia.
In 2015 Lisa contacted me. She wanted to get back into the business and everyone was telling her that her work was dated and it would never happen." Lisa," I said, "You can shrink and apologize for your old Bobby Brown CD covers, or you can reframe the conversation all of the amazing experience a client will get when they hire you." I taught her how to turn questions into an opportunity to seize that moment to talk about her passion for styling and how she would manage their project and times when she was a problem solver on the set. Lisa and I meet for planning and strategy sessions. In 2018 she completed work on the Gotti film with John Travolta, UFO, Uncle Drew and the TV show Greanleaf.

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Join the Win Now Mentorship Program.
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